Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Kabir's Poems -10-

Kabir khai koat ki, pani pive naa koi, 
Aai mile jab gang mein, tab saab gangodik hoi.

Rain water in a trench, Kabir, unfit to consume, 
flow in holy Ganges, is pure for every use.

(Kabir, stagnant, algae ridden water of a ditch, nobody drinks. When it joins in the river Ganges, all of it becomes pure and noble ganagodik.)

River Ganga flows from Kailash Mountains in Himalaya and ends up in the Indian Ocean traversing through the Ganges plains.

Ganga water has a unique property of cleanliness that is not found in any other river on earth. Its water is always pure and clean and does not putrefy no matter what amount of organic pollutants flow into it. Its water stored in a container stays pure and clean of bacteria forever. As it flows through many cities with industries and humans dumping their waste into it, it seems to get polluted. 

However a few miles downstream, the river Ganges water returns to its original purity and cleanliness. For this property, Ganges is worshipped as a holy river, the ultimate in purity and its water is considered to be scared.

Kabir says that nobody would like to drink stinking, stanching water of a dirty ditch. However when the same water flows into river Ganges and becomes part of it, it becomes as pure as Ganges water itself. The repulsive water of that ditch after coming in contact with pure Ganges becomes as pure, noble and sacred as Gangodik or Ganges water. It can be used as sacred water from a holy river.

Kabir is using this analogy to emphasize the effect of good company. It can transform even the most wretched, most evil and most hated into ultimate in purity, holiness and nobility.

He also indicates that the most evil person becomes God like when one discovers and merges with one's own SELF through meditation.


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