Bura jo dekhan main chala, bura naa milya koye,
Jo dekha munn apnaa, to mujhse bura naa koye.
Scouting for crooked men, not a single crooked soul,
glanced at my own self, peeked every wicked force.
(I went looking for bad; did not find anyone bad, when I looked at my own self; no one is bad than me.)
We like things and people that are conducive to fulfilling our desires and goals. We dislike and term evil as things that are unconducive to fulfilling our desires. When things do not go as we want them to, we find somebody else to blame, someone else is at fault, and someone else is bad. So easily do we jump to join in the condemnation of bad acts of others that we never have any time to look into our own selves.
Kabir says that if we go out looking for bad and evil men, everyone we come across will have some evil tendency except our own self. It is only the realized men who can see things more objectively. They recognize their own bad tendencies. That is why Kabir says that one should look into one's own self to find all the badness which we have been projecting onto others and blaming them for. This is the only way to purge our own bad tendencies. Having done that, we will have only goodness to project on to others and will find everyone else to be good. Finding goodness in everyone else realized men do not find anyone else to be bad.
I am the worst of all, all are good but me, those who realize it all, are friends ever of me.
Ek nisprehi niradhar ka, gahak gopinaath.
Futile are tricks to a seeker, this be no wonder,
desireless unseeking love for all, is HIS only tender.
(One cannot reach Self through cleverness, this is fundamental of all wisdoms. Of desire less love without reason, God is a yielding seeker.)
Many people and religions believe in ritualistic practices to please or reach God. Kabir says that these are all tricks and useless ones. There is no shortcut to spirituality; there is no benefit of any ritual if one is devoid of love for other beings. God is the creation and to love God, one must love all the creation, all the beings in it. This is the only way to spirituality for God understands and speaks only one language the language of love for everyone. If one has love for everyone that is not based on any self-centered desire, such a person does not have to search for HIM anymore. For God is always searching for such beings and is a willing customer of such a love. HE will find and fulfill the spirituality and all other needs of such an un-seeking and desire less lover.
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